Monday, October 26, 2009


Ever since human started dabbling in the field of medicine, people have learnt many uses of drug with great medicinal value. However useful they are, drugs should only be taken after consultation with a doctor. Otherwise, it will lead to addiction and cause great harm to the user if the drug is taken habitually.

Our country has been battling the problem of drug abuse for many years. It is the nation’s number one enemy because it will lead to various social problems. When the problem concerns youth of the country, it becomes a more distressing issue for all. This is because we cannot foresee our country being led by future generation with drug problem.

Besides that, people who are addicted to drug are often associated with crimes because drugs will impair their sense of judgment. Therefore, they will go to the extend of stealing, lying and even killing just to satisfy their addiction. They become a menace to the society and their behaviour poses a great threat towards the peace and orderly of our community.

Furthermore, being depended on drugs causes one to lose his or her ability to function normally. In other words, drug abusers cannot work like a healthy living being and without work, they lose financial independence. That means they do not have money to support themselves as well as their terrible habit. Hence they will once again resort to crimes in order to maintain their intoxicated lifestyle.

Moreover, drugs are lethal because people will die of drug overdose. Abusing drugs can also expose the users to the deadly AIDS virus if they share syringes with another drug addicts with AIDS. Therefore, either way we look at it, a drug addict will still die of a horrible death.

As a closure. It is important that we become more aware of the dangerous effects of drug abuse. That way, we will learn to say no to drugs in every possible situation. By staying away from drugs, we will assure ourselves a healthy and fulfilling life.